
Albion School


At Bones' House

At Bones' house

            he has two silks

hanging from the ceiling

and also

            he has a trapeze

I get to hang

                        up side down

                                    on the trapeze

            and on the silks

I get to climb to the top

            of the silks

and ring a bell

            on the top of the ceiling


Aurora P, 2nd Grade
Albion School
Classroom Teacher Jary Stavely
Poet-Teacher: Ilona Marcello

One After Another

My soul is an eagle soaring

through the air, he flies above

the windy ocean. My heart is

a dog barking at the eagle

in my soul. My spirit is a tiger

chasing the dog in my heart.

Shehariah P, 2nd grade
Albion School
Classroom Teacher Jary Stavely
Poet-Teacher: Ilona Marcello


Maybe my soul is a dolphin

                                    splashing and diving

Maybe my soul is a deer

                                    leaping through the trees

Maybe my soul is a black and white and orange

            feathered toucan

                        with great giant wings and a beak

Maybe my soul is a little bundle of fear

            with little floppy ears

                        and a little black nose and a tail

Maybe my soul dreams about fish

                                    twisting and turning by rocks

Maybe my soul dreams about a yellow blanket

                                    of daisies in a meadow

Maybe my soul moves like a stream

                        finding its way to

            another world

                        but I know that my soul is loving

Amy H, 3rd grade
Albion School
Classroom Teacher Jary Stavely
Poet-Teacher: Ilona Marcello

My Soft Spirit

My spirit is a soft fluffy

tailed creature, it prances and leaps

from branch to branch of a tree,

it's small but feels powerful inside.

My spirit is seen in the woods,

gathering acorns.  

My spirit dreams about spring.

It smells of the foresty trees.

Montana S.A., 3rd grade
Albion School
Classroom Teacher: Jary Stavely
Poet-Teacher: Ilona Marcello

Fire Eagle

My heart is a fire eagle

flying into the world

hot as the sun

the biggest eagle in the world

flying into the volcano

My heart lives in the center

of the fire

Thae S, 2rd grade
Albion School
Classroom Teacher: Jary Stavely
Poet-Teacher: Ilona Marcello


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