
Anderson Valley High School


La verdad duele
me duele mucho
Mi padre no llega
me duele mucho
Mi padre se culta
Mi madre se pregunta y no tiene repuesta
me duele mucho
Mi madre llora
me duele mucho
Mi padre miente
me duele mucho
Mi padre no me explica
me duele mucho
Mi padre llora
me duele mucho
Mi padre me abraza, y me pide perdon
me duele mucho
Yo no entiendo porque
me duele mucho
Me siento confundida y lastimada
me duele mucho
Mi padre se va y nos dejan
me duele muchono tener el amor de mi padre cerca
me duele mucho
La vida no es facil
me duele mucho

The truth hurts
It hurts me a lot
My father doesn't come home
It hurts me a lot
My father hides
It hurts me a lot
My mother questions him and he has no answer
It hurts me a lot
My mother cries
It hurts me a lot
My father lies
It hurts me a lot
My father doesn't explain anything
It hurts me a lot
My father hugs me and asks for my forgiveness
It hurts me a lot
I don't understand why
It hurts me a lot
My father goes away and leaves us
It hurts me a lot
Not having the love of my father close to me
It hurts me a lot
Life isn't easy
It hurts me a lot

Liz Mendosa
Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
(translated Scott Meltsner)



Estrella Del Mar

El sol nos olvidó ayer sobre la arena
nos envolvió el rumor suave del mar
tu cuerpo me dió calor, tenia frio
y allí en la arena entre los dos nacio esta
estrella del mar, esta estrella del mar pobre
de amor por ti.   Un mundo de sueños
para compartir.
Los dias de tristeza,
vamos a olvidarlos.   Imaginate un sol
de los colores dorados, mientras pinta el aire sonrisa
en tus labios.   Volverán las noches con su olor
a jazmin, queriendo atraparte y tú sin dormir
le hablarás a la luna palabras que en fin,
llevas guardadas muy dentro de ti.
Yo te regalaré la estrella del mar.

Star of the Sea

Yesterday on the sand, the sun forgot us.
The soft rumor of the sea wrapped us up.
Your body gave me heat.   I was cold,
and there in the sand between the two of us
this star of the sea was born.   From the sea, this poor star of love
for you.   A world of dreams to share.
Days of sadness,
we'll forget them.   Imagine a golden sun
while the smile on your lips paints the air.
Nights that smell of jasmine will return,
wanting to catch you, and sleepless,
you'll tell the moon those words
you keep hidden deep inside you.
I will give you the star of the sea.

Yesenia Viramontes
Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher




the hidden corner
the empty room
walking alone
where the light had shone
the other side of the window
behind the closed door
the soul inside the feeling
soon to soar
wasted breath
lost words
time gone by
hand to sword
locked away for lies
trapped for trying
hearts run down
good men dying.

Reba Pardini
8th Grade, Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher




Silent gray skies
drift slowly over
heavy raindrops
and diamond ice.
The shadows grow longer,
and so do the days.
Green grass pierces
through your first layer of snow.
Oh Winter
with your dreary
days.   Your sifting
clouds hold back heat
and burning rays.
Your nights bring quiet
tapping and growling
thunder.   Your days
bring crystal air.
Winter... Your
days bring
joy to me.

Jack Holman
7th Grade, Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher



Ode to Anger

Oh Anger,
How I despise you!
You make me shout ,
You make me pout.
How I wish I didn't have you
But there you are,
Nagging away at my brain.
You make me blow up on my friends.
You make me red in the face.
You wrap your black tendrils around my heart.
Oh Anger,
I wish you farewell.
But you do not leave me be!
Oh well.
Guess I have to live being you and me.
But because I live with you
does NOT mean you van overcome me.
For I am more powerful than you know.
I can control you .
I keep you on a leash
and am never letting go.
This way you won't harm me
You won't harm others
But I still have you there...

Maribel Garcia
7 th Grade, Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher




I want to say just one thing to you, Depression.
I am leaving you like a cat walking away from its food.
Depression, what was I thinking falling in love with you?
Knowing that I'd probably get hurt.
You eat the sadness of anyone
like if you were a bat sucking your prey's blood.
I am no longer your prey, Depression!
You are like the twin towers collapsing.
You make people hurt themselves,
that is why I'm leaving you.
You made me make so many mistakes.
You told me I was safe with you,
but all I ever was, was a poor rabbit
blowing her nose with a tissue.
All you ever made me do
was hurt myself with scissors.
Today is the day that I say
goodbye to you, Depression.
I can't say how happy I am
for doing this.

Lisa Ibarra
Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher




You are the
beauty who
surrounds me.
You are the girl
whose dress is
made of petals
and that dance
like a metal coin.
You are the one
who smells sweet
and sounds
like my heart.
Your pretty mouth
eats dreams, sweet
blue blood, true love
and candles in the night.
You want to
dream with
beauty all the time.
You are the softness
that hates ugliness
and want people
to just think
of you.
You are jealous
but you also
want the ugliness
to become beauty.
You know
you are and
will be Beauty.
That is why
you are

Ana Miriam Barragan
8 th Grade, Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher




My emotion is smooth like a bald head.
It's an electric outlet.
It could also be a bursting city
with people walking on the sidewalk
and lots of cars.
Maybe it's a fox terrier chasing quails
in the front yard.
It could even be a horn in a car.
You know what, I think it's my little
brother Quentin saying, "I like dinosaurs!"
This emotion smells like newly baked apple pie.
It eats sadness and tastes like tamales.
it wants to be expressed.
It fears depression.
It loves friendliness.
It is when you first learn to ride a bike.
It is making the game-winning shot.

Garrett Morgan
7 th Grade, Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher



Poetic Birth

You hear pumps every three seconds
You hear cries every millisecond.
You hear joy every second
You hear voices all around you.
Everyone's looking at you, You are the center of attention.
"It's a boy," the doctor mentions.
Your momma shows smiles of happy expressions.
Your cries, your heart pumpin', your momma smilin'
and your natural beauty is poetic.
You have not one clue of what's going on,
but you'll find out soon it won't be long.
You'll feel the power of love and the terror of hate.
You'll feel the power of religions and the terror of faith.
You'll find out the power of guns and the evil it makes.
You'll know the creation of truth and destruction of frames.
You'll know the difference between evil and good,
civilized and hood,
respectful and rude,
alive and dead,
passed away and bloody death,
secure and in debt,
alcohol and meth,
believe it or not you've been born to madness,
happytimes and dragness,
it's a place called earth,
it can please or it can hurt,
poetic consequences to your poetic birth.

Jose Santacruz
Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher



Mi Emoción

La rabia
Que quema por dentro
Como la magma de un volcán
Hierviendo antes de explotar
Limon y vinaigre en una cortada abierta
Queriendo gritar
Sin parar
Querer explotar
Como una bomba
Cuando se termina su tiempo
Provocado por otro humano
La sangre hierviendo
Igual al volcán
Toda esta emoción
Buscando, solamente
Un perdón.

That burns within
Like the magma of a volcano
Boiling before it explodes
Lemon and vinegar in an open cut
Wanting to scream
Wanting to explode
Like a bomb
When it's time ends
Provoked by another human
The blood boiling
Same as the volcano,
All this emotion
Searching only

Delia Madveño
Anderson Valley High School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
(translation by Scott Meltsner)

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