MPitS    Anderson Valley Middle School

The Truth About Me

I am an energetic yet lonely puppy
At times I run in circles, but stay out of the way
of stronger people.
I am fearless.

I am the horse in the last stall.
I'm fed last, and ridden last.
I'm the slowest of all the horses in the barn.
Yet I still run free.

I am the alien that is stared at.
But my day is still normal.

I am the gentle yet playful fox,
who individuates himself.

Brennen Snodgrass
7th grade, Anderson Valley Middle School
Ann Pantaja, classroom teacher
Scott Meltsner, poet-teacher


The Beginning

You don't know who I am,
You think I'm a little girl that will never get hurt,
I'm really a girl that likes to hang with friends.
You think I'm a little butterfly that is afraid,
I'm really a lion cub hunting for food.

You think I'm a baby that needs you,
I'm really a big girl that can do anything I want.
You think you'e my best friend,
I'm really your enemy.
You think I'm the blue in the water,
I'm really the red in fire.

You think you know everything about me,
it's only the beginning.

Cassie Angulo
8th grade, Anderson Valley Middle School
Jeannie Collins, classroom teacher
Scott Meltsner, poet-teacher


Brindo por tu ternura
por tus suaves caricias y dulsuras
Brindo por los dias pasamos juntos
bajo la lluvia.

Brindo por los dias cercanos
que nos dejaron emosionados.
Brindo por los tiempos en que nos amamos.

Brindo porque en nuestros corazones
brille la luz del amor,
y ahora que no estamos juntos,
brindo porque nunca nos volvamos a ver.

Por ultimo alzo mi copa
porque nunca nos volvamos
a crusar en nuestro destino.


I Toast

I toast your tenderness
your soft caresses and sweetness
I toast the days we spent together
under the rain.

I toast the days just past
that touched us
I toast the time when we loved each other.

I toast because in our hearts
the light of love shines
and now that we are not together
I toast because we will never see each other again.

For the last time I lift my cup
because never again in our destiny
will our paths cross.

Maria Angeles Segura
7th grade, Anderson Valley Middle School
Jeannie Collins, classroom teacher
Scott Meltsner, poet-teacher



La Montaña

De la grande montaña blanca
salio un pajaro.

Del pajaro salio
una semilla.

De la semilla
nacio una flor.

De la flor
nacio un arbol.

En el arbol,
habia un nido.

En el nido,
un huevo.

Del huevo,
un pajaro.

Del pajaro,
una pluma.

De la pluma,
un indio.

Del Indio,
un arco.

Del arco,
una flecha.

La flecha cayo
en la gran montaña blanca.


The Mountain

From the big white mountain
flew a bird

From the bird escaped
a seed.

From the seed,
a flower was born.

From the flower,
a tree grew.

In the tree,
there was a nest.

In the nest,
an egg.

From the egg,
a bird.

From the bird,
a feather.

From the faether,
an Indian
From the Indian,
a bow.

From the bow,
an arrow.

The arrow fell
in the big white mountain.

Miriam Barragan
7th grade, Anderson Valley Middle School
Jeannie Collins, classroom teacher
Scott Meltsner, poet-teacher


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