MPitS      Comptche School

I am connected to the zebra
I like the stripes on the zebra
Its eyes are very pretty

Shemesh Heim
Kindergarten, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


I am a mustang.
I like to run very fast.
I like to eat green grass.
I like to roam outside.

Morgan Dunlap
Grade 1, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher

A Turtle

For a day,
            I will be a turtle swimming in the ocean
In winter,
            I will be a winter bird
                        flying down
                                    deep into the ocean
For a day,
            I will be a bear
                        eating berries.

Mac Smiley
Grade 1, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher

The Planets

I’d like to be the solar system for a week,
if the solar system did not stop at all.
A big storm came back, and an asteroid.
We will be in trouble.
All the planets will be out of orbit.
One planet has air,
the planet spins around in a circle really fast.
“Help!” said Earth.
For a day, Jupiter is farther away from the sun.
He is tangled up with his friends.

Jennifer Martinez
Grade 1, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


My Feelings

A jaguar is my heart.
A panda is my kindness.
An owl is my mind,
The zebra is my friendship.

Indigo Gnatowski
Grade 3, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


For a night, I am the dream of a child
For a day, I’m a lizard basking in the sun
For a moment, I’m the eagle’s wings
For a week, I’m a hungry monarch
For a lifetime, I’m a redwood tree
For a nanosecond, I am nothing
For an hour, I am Jupiter’s swirling winds
For a century, I’m Saturn’s rings,
            spinning, spinning, forever
For a decade, I’m the bubbling stream

Jasiah Worthen
Grade 3, Comptche School
Janna Hansen, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


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