
Fort Bragg High School

Close To Nothing

I am boneless
Quivering with false apprehension
Of lambent flames of happiness
Ranting in spaces that were
Carefully arrayed for shattered viewing

I am spirit
Receptive yet un-responsive
Twisting my golden locks
Accordingly to broken tunes
And feeble lyrics

I am divinity
The horizon in disguise
Radiating flaws beyond reason
Sifting through situations
And counting my luck askew

I am beauty
An ethereal creature
Deformed by life
Scars and stretch marks
With sensibilities divine

I am strength
Trying to survive
In the midst of thieves
Taken in by portraits
With words uttered brief

I am Broken
With a heart that beats
Not too softly
And not enough for heat
But enough for him

And that’s enough for me

Grade 12, Fort Bragg HS
Poetry Slam Team


Not Connected
I am not connected, I am closed to others but I am not connected
I am distant, cold and alone
I am frozen
Even to the bone
I feel like broken glass
So I do not get close
I do not connect
Evading large crowds
Fear of touching
Evading large talks
Fear of letting something slip
I feel life is a nagging boredom
I wish for the end
To swiftly come
For death to take me 

Nikki M.
Fort Bragg HS
Lavender Grace Cinnamon, Poet Teacher


Ariana’s Connection
My best friend
She knows me well
She knows everything
Before I can tell
Like two puzzle pieces
We are two 
but together we connect
If you only knew
Without a sound
She knows something’s wrong
I’m about to sing
The same sad song
When I’m excited
To share my day
She knows how to react
In the correct way
With how close we are
I know her as well
I know everything
There is to tell
In so many ways
We are the same
We connect
In this old game 

Fort Bragg HS
Lavender Grace Cinnamon, Poet Teacher



4:51 pm
plugged in
who do you become?
someone more fabulous than yourself,
how long can you keep it up?
reality is yours to bend and break
the laws of life are lifted off your shoulder
and you sprout wings and fly away
or something cliché
like that.
who are you now?
someone longing to taste of surreality again,
how long before the bomb explodes?
personal life is falling away
look up and ponder what you see
the vast haze of the Worldwide Web covering the planet
or something ominous
like that.

Fort Bragg HS
Lavender Grace Cinnamon, Poet Teacher


Querida Mami

Tú eres para mí el mejor regalo de la vida,
Eres la primera persona que yo miré,
Cuando abrí mis ojos por primera vez.

Sentí el amor tan profundo que tienes para mí,
Desde aquel momento,
Sentí una conexión especial,
Cuando sonreías para mí.

Tus ojos son como dos luceros,
Y tu boca de cristal,
Caíste del cielo,
Como un ángel celestial.

Por eso, madre mía,
Te adoro con todo mi corazón,
Mi amor para ti
Es grande, puro y sincero.

Cada minuto, cada segundo, cada día
Te voy queriendo más y más,
Porque tu amor es incomparable,
Y nunca lo dejaré escapar.

Tu hija,



Dear Mom

For me, you are the best gift in life,
You are the first person I saw
When I opened my eyes for the first time.

I felt such profound love that you have for me,
Since that moment,
I felt a special connection,
When you smiled at me.

Your eyes are like two morning stars,
And your mouth of crystal.
You fell from the sky
Like a celestial angel.

For this, madre mía,
I adore you with all my heart.
My love for you
Is great, pure, and sincere.

Every minute, every second, every day,
I will keep loving you more and more,
Because your love is without compare,
And it will never slip away.

Your daughter,

Grade 9, Fort Bragg High School ESL
Eve Oliphant, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher



Mamá is the most beautiful word,
she’s the one who listens to me all the time

The pozole made by your hands
Has the power to bring the family together
Even with all the probems
we have between us.

The most beautiful memory that I have
is my mom giving me hugs
and imparting her wisdom to me.

Even now, we share our problems
and feelings.

When I’m close to her
I feel like I’m safe
and nothing is wrong.

Her spirit is full of
Honesty, comprehension and love.

In fewer words, Mamá,
you are the brightest star
in the sky that lights the whole universe.


Mamá es la palabra más hermosa,
es la que me escucha todo el tiempo

El pozole hecho por tus manos
Tiene el poder de reunir a la familia
incluso con todos los problemas que
tenemos entre nosotros.

El recuerdo más hermoso que tengo
Es mí mamá dándome abrazos
Y compartiendo su sabiduría conmigo.

Incluso ahora compartimos nuestros problemas
y sentimientos.

Cuando estoy cerca de ella
Siento como que estoy mas seguro
Y nada está mal.

Su espíritu está lleno de
Honestidád, comprensión y amor.

En pocas palabras, Mamá,
Tú eres la estrella más brillante
en el cielo que iluminia todo el universo.

Grade 10, Fort Bragg High School ESL
Eve Oliphant, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


The Love of My Mother

Heart of love
That’s what you are, Mom
You always do your best.
For you, I want lo mejor del mundo
y también quiero decirte
Que tu estás hecha de puros
Pétalos de rosas blancas,
Tu sonrisa me llena de alegría,
Tu mirada me llena de luz,
Tu sombra me llena de harmonia,
Y tu amor de madre me hace
Ser la mjor hija del mundo.
Mother, listen to me,
I Love You.
Tu sonrisa está hecha de respeto,
Cariño, comprensión, confianza, dulsura,
Y sobretodo, del amor.
Your voice is like the soft clouds,
Tú siempre piensas en tus hijos.
Nunca los dejas sin comer.
Eres la mejor mamá del mundo.
Y lo que te digo
Nunca te des por vencida.
Te quiero mucho, Mamá. . .

Grade 9, Fort Bragg High School ESL
Eve Oliphant, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


My Dear Mom

You are the one
who cooks
my favorite food
like enchiladas
and pozole.

You are a wonderful mom
because you are the one
who loves to sew
pillows like roses.

You and I both
love to cook
and to sew.
We cook molé
and we make
a lot of things

Mom, the memory that I have
is when you told me
you will always stay with me
for the bad and for the good.

Mom, you are a special person
like a rose in the garden,
more beautiful than all the flowers.

Your voice gives me
a sense of life
and encourages me
to keep going.

I just want to say thank you
for being my guide
and for life.
Thank you, Mother,
for giving me life.

Grade 11, Fort Bragg High School ESL
Eve Oliphant, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher



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