MPitS | Greenwood School 2004/2005 |
Lizard basks in the sun
Tiger lays in the shade
Under a willoe bats hang in a cave
Tiger gets up and hunts
Lizard gets up and catches flies
Bat flies out in the night
Carmen Searles
Kindergarten, Greenwood School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
We are Venus flytraps eating up
Math, snacks, reading and lunch
We are bald eagles flying over a river
Looking for fish to eat
We are fishermen fly-fishing
At Greenwood Creek
We are a bunch of bats
hanging upside down on the bars,
then looking for bugs
We are a pack of coyotes
Looking for friends
We are penguins finding puzzles,
Putting the pieces together
We are rattlesnakes sticking
Our tongues out,salmon swimming in a school.
Class Poem
Greenwood School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
I lay there like a morning flower.
The morning flower rumbles
Like a streak of lightning.
The lightning burns like a fire.
The fire roars like music
Through the branches.
Everett Taylor
2 nd Grade, Greenwood School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
In the night a raccoon
Creeps to a quiet forest pool.
He drank some of it.
He saw a ten inch fish,
Grabbed it and ate it
And rested after that.
Ezra Rubin-Clark
Kindergarten, Greenwood School
Scott Meltsner, Poet Teacher
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