MPitS | Laytonville High School 2005/2006 |
Welcome To The Real World
Welcome to the realworld
here borders do not exist
here there is only sea and wind
and rough sand
The sea is honest
it knows no lies
all it can be is what it is
so it keeps flowing
until far past its bedtime
The wind is harsh
all it knows are lies
and that is all it has become
so it keeps blowing
swirling, with no direction
far past its will
The sand tires
and clutches to the earth
the sun warms it
and without effort
it waits
and breathes
borders do not exist
the sand
and the wind
and the sea
blend together
to create a shapeless movement
Janelle S
11 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
My True Country-
My true country?
I feel empty with out time
with out space
I don't know
I am
What is truth anyway
my life has been ripped apart
away from reality
and I am asked
this question about me
I can't answer it
My true country may be
in the thought of my future
When will I be far from
where I am today
I will be happy?
I never am
My true country was ripped
away from me
when I was young
I can't have it back
it's gone
I don't belong
in this time
in this place
Please tell me
is my true country?
Please, let me know
Ruth Shumake
11 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
Dear true mother, hello first father
would you ever believe or think
I would be across that ocean
and still have your almond eyes
and long eye lashes and see a
whole different world. A world
free of your types of exact pairs
but see a new form of them
That I would be here but not
follow your ways but still share
your ideas and thoughts and
likes and dislikes at one
time or another
I want to thank you for what you
have given me without knowing it
was ever given. I want to
appreciate what you went through
so our name could still be written
Separated a thousand times by
walls, weapons, and religious
order. Your children's children
did have the power and will
to go on. And I look back at
you now and want to thank you
for allowing me to exist and be
someone I am so proud to be
Saskia D
11 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
No longer can I tolerate your
allow for your arrogance.
No longer can I take your cruelty
your inexplicable self worth.
I've drawn the line
set forth my boundaries.
These borders which I've created,
you shall not pass.
No more questions
and no more lies.
You've gone too far
no longer can I trust.
Trust that you will love,
trust in your respect for all others.
My guard is up
my wit is armed
Ready to attack
to stand and fight back
New borders have been set
this is no game
I guarantee the truth
I'd dare not exaggerate
The importance of the line
which I have drawn in the sand
The necessity of these boundaries
these borders which I have drawn
Not another word
The hourglass has run out
and so has your time
Not another word
the borders have now closed.
Amanda Craver
11 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
My True CountryMy true country is behind the shouts, standing in the hot summer sun, rubbing the rosin into my rope for the first time this season. As I take my seat the adrenaline starts to flow, I say my prayer and wrap my hand in the rope. I can't hear a thing and all I can see is the bull's shoulders. As I nod for the gate to open, the last thing that goes through my mind is "what the hell am I doing?" I try my best to stay in the middle, but as fate would have it, I end up in the dirt. Hooves crash down all around my head, I get to my feet and run back to the shouts. Everyone knows it didn't go as planned. All I have is wounded pride, and I wait for tomorrow to do it again.
10 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
RiverMy true country never stops.
It's always moving always refreshing
It's a relentless force rolling, splashing and crashing over boulders.
Sandy tailouts where the creature waits to overcome this force with its determination to become.
To become new again
to achieve its lifelong goal
of regeneration.
10 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
I AMI am the air escaped from a tired one's yawn
I am the scared mouse in the corner of the closet
I am the green grass that gets stepped on everyday
I am the reflection in the mirror, the virtual image, lost and longing to find the real one.
I am the last dish in the drainer, waiting to be put away
I am lost, I am scared
I am the roar in the lion's warning
I am the strong breeze on a cool fall day
I am the boulder above the water
I am strong, I am being pushed around and will not allow it anymore
I am the weak cry in a strong person's plea
I am the sharp thorn on the beautiful rose
10 th Grade, Laytonville High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher
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