MPitS | Mendocino Grammar School 2007/2008 |
The World Mask, Part 2
My eyes are white geese flying over the frozen tundra
My whiskers are icicles hanging from a cave
My hair is clouds of the sparkling snow
My mouth is a piece of ice floating in the sea
Please be nice to my earth.
Olivia Grinberg Phillips
2nd Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
Storm Mask
I am the mask of storms.
Whenever someone puts me on, a storm will start.
When the person takes me off, the storm will end.
I can also make lightning and thunder.
When I am happy, a light rain comes.
When I am mad, a heavy rain starts a flood.
When I am sad, hail happens.
When I am proud, showers come down.
When I have a bad feeling about something, a tidal wave comes.
I breathe rain clouds.
I eat fog.
That's me, the storm mask.
Sean Symonds
3rd Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
The wolf moon
blowing snow
across a white meadow
The harvest moon
corn stalks browning
ready to harvest
The spring moon
budding with life
and new hope
for Earth.
Lorenzo Barrar
3rd Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
Mortal and Immortal
Happy things that make me feel happy,
never fill up my heart.
Stars shine in deep high heavens.
I watch down in mortal's world,
I watch stars light up the sky.
World sleeps while spinning happily.
I wish I knew, what do they think and say about the mortals?
I wonder if these mortals will ever meet their opposites,
the immortals
their unknown brothers.
Damien Duncan
3rd Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
silent in both places
no one can see the kids at play
on the stars
weightless in nongravity
bouncing on the moon like a big balloon
hanging from nothing
down on Earth everything is silent
an owl hoots and
the smell of roses and lavender hits the air
a girl eating blackberries in the month of march
looks up and sees the children in the sky
back to silence
on the earth
and in the sky.
Ivy Sears
4th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
I am the warmth of sun
I am the dog's bark
I am the sparrow's call
I am the elements that are part of me
I am the wind in the sleek wolves' fur
I am the sun on the cat's back
I am the current carrying the lazy fish
I am the herb plant healing the sick
I am the fire making room for new growth.
Tucker Laurence
4th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
Listen Deep
If you listen
an owl will hoot
If you listen
you might hear a fairy or gnome
If you listen
you can hear a coyote in the far off night
If you listen
your ears will pick up bats' leathery wings
If you listen
you will hear something special
If you listen
with all your heart you will hear
Rosa Aum
5th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
What's Inside the Sun?
What is inside the sun?
This is inside the sun: fire.
The sun is the color of lemon freeze.
My lizard lives in the sun.
My lizard is trying to find a good home.
My lizard has found a good home on the sun.
When the sun shines on me, he will visit me.
Joe Smith
5th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
Look For Me In Dreams
Don't look for me in reality.
look for me in dreams!I'm lost in a war,
try to find me,
fight by my side.
It's almost day time!
No time for dreams.
Must catch the train of moon beams.
Don't look for me on Earth.
Look for me on Neptune.I'm lost among the icy drifts,
try to find me,
let's go sledding.
The sun is up!
Neptune will melt.
We'll fall into a bed of kelp.
Don't look for me on the surface,
Look for me under ground!
I'm lost in the underworld,
don't try to find me,
my days are done,
just keep my memories.
keep them safe.
Celeste Fox Kump
5th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
Autumn Joy Sky
It is the
moist fog
that goes through
town as the
redwoods wave
tall in
the air
as the
robins nest
through the paper
as the
autumn joy sky
over my
that's what I like best.
Nick Nielsen
5th Grade, Mendocino Grammar School
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher
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