MPitS   Mendocino K-8 School

The Wolf of the Wind

I am the Wolf of the Wind.
I make breezes come and go.
The clouds taught me how to run with the wind.
The blue fish taught me how to jump and touch the sky.
The snake showed me how to bring the wind up, and
taught me how to make spiraling wind and tornadoes.
I can make windy days.

Meili Daniel
Grade 2, Mendocino K-8 School
Margaret Iacuaniello, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Visiting Poet

Waves of Cold

I am the waves swimming ashore. . .
I am an octopus swallowing seaweed. . .
I have to wiggle to the sound of dark nothingness. . .
I keep the waves wild. . .
I am a whisper in the wind. . .
…the wind of the ocean. . .
I am hot but cold. . .
I am leaving to find just more. . .
I am within the gigantic ocean. . .
      the world of dark and sleep
I am bubbles. . .
I am waves of cold. . .

Brian Strupp
Grade 3, Mendocino K-8
Ellen Nulph, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet-Teacher

How to Boogie Board

You need to have a bathing suit.
You need a boogie board too.
Take your courage and strength, too, you’ll need it.
Get out deep, past where the waves are breaking.
Wait ‘til you see a Lunker Loo Loo bump
that’s not breaking apart.
Give it all you have and kick! ! !
If you catch it,
then you’ll find yourself speeding along
on an exhilarating ride!
Remember to yell Kowabunga! ! !
Then, do the whole thing again.
Don’t give up when you get tumbled,
I know you will.

Skye Starkweather
Grade 4, Mendocino K-8 School
Ryan Olson Day, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


Suddenly it’s quiet
the wind blows my hair back
The ocean spray cools my face
I slip off my socks and shoes and stand
barefoot on the damp earth.
Someone touches my shoulder. I close
my eyes. I open them again, turn
around and embrace her, my mother.
She smells like peppermint and papaya
face cream. She picks my shoes and socks up,
takes my hand and we walk home,

Aniyah Marcello
Grade 4, Mendocino K-8 School
Ryan Olson Day, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher

Our Helpful Moon

Our moon give us light
for we can see at night

Our moon gives us decorations
in the sky

Our moon helps us feel safe
at night

Our moon looks like a
bouncy ball to play with

Our moon feels like a rough

Our moon hangs in the sky
like a lost swing

Our moon sounds like a
big music speaker

Our moon is a sign of

Blaire Shannon-Byrd
Grade 4, Mendocino K-8 School
Ryan Olson Day, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


Not the Daisy But the Petals

My poem is not the daisy
but the petals

My poem is not the toad
but his cousin, frog

My poem is not the geode
but the little treasures that sparkle inside

My poem is not the deck
but the joker

My poem is not the sky
but the red tail hawk

My poem is not the imagination of the future
but the memories of the past

Collin Olson Day
Grade 5, Mendocino K-8
Becky Kellett, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


Building is Fun

                           the skill
                        When I build,
                        I get a feeling
                        of happiness.

Jullian Clavelle
Grade 5, Mendocino K-8 School
Robin Curry, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher

War Time

War wears armor
War is not fun and games
War is a dark sorrow
War has hate and anger
War has a hunger for hate

War is death, with no truth
War is not an adventure
War has jets with wings.
War has guns and soldiers.
War has death and noise.
War is no poem.

Dennis Paul
Grade 6, Mendocino K-8
Linda Freeling, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher

The Jaguar of Peace

I am the Jaguar of Peace.
The rainforest of Amazon is my home.
The trees taught me how to find friends,
I have many of them.
I climb up in a very wild tree to rest in the night.
I eat lizards by the water,
Then I go to the willow tree meadow,
Where the deer teach me how to jump and leap.
The last thing I do is whisper to the Moon of Whales
and say good night to the world!

Isabella Fosse
Grade 2, Mendocino K-8 School
Margaret Iacuaniello, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher



Pantoum, Snowfall / Mother Nature

inspired by an Andre Kertesz photograph

the soft white snow falls
awaken me from my nap
the moon is already up to say hello
and the sky, so full of dark purples

awaken me from my nap
the frozen car windows
and the sky, so full of dark purples
sounds of the wind

awaken me from my nap
the grass waves in the wind
the frozen car windows
like a dancer with the sun already gone

and the sky, so full of dark purples
the soft white snow falls
sounds of the wind
the moon is already up to say hello

Alix Gonzalez
Grade 6, Mendocino K-8 School
Linda Freeling, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


Rainbow Poem

Red is like the sun that rises.
Yellow is like the gold that pirates find.
Purple is like the violet that is the flower.
Green is the grass that is as soft as silk.

Ivy Gamble
Kindergarten, Mendocino K-8
Sasha Rohlfes, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher




You will find me in the corner
Where I live
Where I sleep
Where I eat
It is the book corner
I read
I live there, because
I love to read.

Songe Kvinsland
Grade 2, Mendocino K-8 School
Margaret Iacuaniello, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher



Life of Adventure

Adventure is the feeling of going somewhere new!
A new location beyond the horizon!
Beyond the edge of Earth!
Adventure is going to the area where life began!
Reaching out to the world!
Traveling far beyond the stars!
Beyond your self!

John Brittingham
Grade 6, Mendocino K-8 School
Linda Freeling, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher



Nervousness is the Shape Shifter

Nervousness takes the shape of
butterflies in your stomach

Nervousness takes the shape of
scrunched up eyebrows

Nervousness takes the shape of
a deeply breathing mouth

Nervousness takes the shape of
a jittery leg

Nervousness takes the shape of
two hands fidgeting

Nervousness takes the shape of
rambling words

Nervousness takes the shape of
a stuttering voice

Nervousness disappears in the
light of comfort.

Geneva Stefani
Grade 5, Mendocino K-8 School
Becky Kellett, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


Untitled (Pantoum)

Not many people acknowledge their mothers
They have taken care of us since day one
We think it is their job, but someday it will be ours
We must acknowledge her when we have her

They have taken care of us since day one
We are so lucky we have it so good
We must acknowledge her when we have her
So when you see your mother, acknowledge them for everything

We are lo lucky we have it so good
I don’t think kids realize how hard they work to help us get ahead
So when you see your mother, acknowledge them for everything
They have dedicated their life to help ours be better

I don’t think kids realize how hard they work to help us get ahead
Not many people acknowledge their mothers
They have dedicated their life to help ours be better
We think it is their job, but someday it will be ours.

Zenoah Aldrich-Walters
Grade 5, Mendocino K-8 School
Robin Curry, Classroom Teacher
Karen Lewis, Poet Teacher


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