MPitS   Point Arena Charter High School


I warm your skin
I keep the soil fresh
I enlighten the bats
I give opportunity
I reach out to gods
I have a father
Each morning you wake
I’m waiting for you to come out
When its night I get sad
I'm highest at noon

Grade 9, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Dear Baby Jesus

You are two feet high but so sinful.
You are the sun of the solar system,
the fire of my heart.
You are an old worn out shoe
that has been over prayed to.
You live in the sky above the influence
of drugs except that time at the theater.
Wasted, lost and beer in hand you were.
I was there to catch your fall.
To guide you in the right direction.
I sent you to better hands
for I could not take care of a baby.
I have never met a baby that was expected
so much from pole to pole
millions of people putting
their future in your hands.

Grade 10, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


It's like this flash of red
and you fall down
shins first
a table of elbows
crying out
but you don't fall flat
you sprawl
you take up too much space
and sometimes you remember
to get up quick
but you're always too slow
and you always fall again
snaking, spiraling
all fingers and a thick waist
your eyes squint
you ask a lot of questions
and never get answers
your hopeful;
because your eyes are still tender
green shoots
sprouting up
leaves catching sunshine
there’s so much to see
and yet
you’re hardened
you've seen the view when you fall
you know your eyes are naive
you want to shove them
back into the ground
let them grow for a bit longer
but they won't listen and you cry out
when they hit the light
it's so much

Grade 12, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

The Sound

I am the sound
that makes our chest shake
the pounding of feet on the floor
teaches me to keep beating
small moving lights twirl around the room
encouraging people to move
sitting in the back
I educate knees to bounce
I am the vibration, the vibration
in the concrete when a car goes by
rattling your bones
and etching a sketch in your mind
I am the sound of a rainbow
utter silence
teaching us to dream
while we’re awake
I am the sound
that makes your chest shake

Grade 10, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

The Seed

the bonsai tree
teaches me strength
in delicate beauty

groundedness in roots

it teaches me
that size means nothing

the nip of its dying limbs
renews, reminding me
that change is constant
and should be accepted

the bonsai knows
that the more gnarled and twisted
its branches become
the more cherished it is
I am the seed

Grade 9, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Hidden Amongst The Pines

I am the golden chanterelle, waiting to become palatable
Tediously growing,
Neglected by the sleeping girl,
I will suffice,
You know my earthy tones, gentle ruffle, as if by heart

The forest jubilantly wrinkled my brain
Teaching me to intertwine with what is presented effortlessly
Focus, on the breeze, the sunlight
The melody of living

The poised rain, wholeheartedly, recuses me from deprivation
Nourishing my stem, helping my love explode, caring for all flaws, the jawbone, the crooked eye

The sunlight, a wise old friend, an endless amount of encouragement
I treasure it's beauteous language, thoughtfulness,
I look up to her,
Though still, here I wait, hidden beneath the somber pines

Grade 10, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


The Present That Didn't Come Home

Radio singing to my distracting emotions
Not paying attention to the innocence on the road
Angry text steals my eyes
Hands became preoccupied with sticky buttons
Feel the crash, chest slams into the horn
Looking up slowly see the creature limping, scared
Slow motion takes over the my frightened reaction
Innocent dog trying to escape
Feel the pain in the warm fur
Taking me back to the childhood memory
Filling the animal with my claustrophobic love
Who's birthday present did I just hit?
Look at the collar trying to find the owner
Vision too foggy with horrified tears
But I bring the yelping dog to the bumper less car
Drive to the owners home
Remembering the words from my broken hearted Christmas
“Spot isn't coming home tonight”

Grade 10, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Moo Moo, I’m a Cow

Moo Moo, I’m a cow
I’m rolling now, I wonder how
the car came fast,
now the ground flies past,
down the Jenner Grade I flow,
my bell rattles as I go
here comes fast, a big last cliff
I land at the bottom with a crunch ka-piff

Grade 10, Pacific Community Charter High School
Yolanda Highhouse, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

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