MPitS     Point Arena Charter School

Peace’s Stunning, Repeating Life

Peace lives inside the soul of a waterfall
with love and happiness
Peace has the shape of a mushroom’s dots
and the heart of the mushroom will dig up its seed
and plant it in depths of love
PeaceĀ  looks as if it has waves crashing over it
splashing, dashing through its eyes
and peace stays strong and long above
the sun and clouds
Peace feels like a soft delicate feather
and sways with the threes themselves
Peace sounds like a clarion call in a church
with hope and love
it sounds like a whale spraying from its spout
while the rain falls
Peace tastes like pepper watering eyes
with happiness and joy
Peace smells like basil and sweet red roses
Peace is a chirping bird
it smells like caramel apples cooking in the oven
Peace runs in my voice
like steam runs through my soul

Grade 3, Pacific Community Charter School
Todd Orenick, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Peace is Everywhere

Peace lives in a sunset high in the sky
or in a baby’s heart filled with love
Peace sounds like kids having fun
and a bird waking you up in the morning
Peace is shaped like a circle
with enough room for everything
Peace looks like a newborn baby
wrapped in a mother’s arms
Peace feels like the softest feather in the world
Peace tastes like biscuits right out of the oven
peace lives in my body
in my every breath
deep in my soul

Grade 3, Pacific Community Charter School
Todd Orenick, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher



Our friend!
Cool place to settle down
eels swimming around
a beautiful spot
not a place to litter!

Zia Light-Abrams
2-3 Class, Pacific Community Charter School
Todd Orinick, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

Samurai quick
as a snake
guitar player

4-6 Class, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


The God of Sandwich

I am day dreaming
of a BLT
I see big fat bread
and bacon
white bread that looks like polar bears and ice cream
lettuce so fresh
I drown in my drool
bacon so crunchy
I break my teeth
tomatoes so red
they look like blood
I’m starving for the gigantic
don’t-eat-too-much-or-you’ll throw-up
BLT, my best friend
we go biking
we run
we eat lunch together

Grade 4, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Scary Homework

I am having a nightmare about homework
it is tormenting me through the night
it haunts me
crazy crazy fractions
hard division
I feel like my brain is full of equations
I feel so so sick of homework
my science book has razor sharp teeth
it is laughing at me
I have to figure out how to kill it
it attacks me
I hit it with a baseball bat
and I knock it out
yes, I knock out my homework
so I have to hurry
rip out the pages in my math book
put all my papers in the shredder
I am safe
until my teacher gives me more

Grade 5, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher



I think about change
time all around me and people
with change the world abandons you
as if the future matters more than the present
change is as a snake, shedding off
an old personality to reveal
a new one
change is for the better
or the worse
change is just change
a game

Change is the shadow, creeping up behind you
the one you can’t out run
change is a poison or an antidote
swallowing, consuming your mind
change manipulates you it hast to, to change you
it looks up at you with a ravenous appetite
waiting to devour you
change is for the better or worse
change is just a game

When I sit here now
watching the world change
the change of unnatural elements
overcomes life
the change is constant
as the seasons go by, change is beautiful
change frustrates me
because it is the only thing I cannot control
the change I watch is forever
change is for the better or worse
change is a just a game

Change will come with time
change is a revolution
it forgets the ones it loves
or makes the love stronger
change ages a small child
change saves lives
change is a gamble
change is for the better or the worse
change is a just a game
play the game

Grade 8, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher



There is nothing in the world like sand
as grainy as rice
as soft as the pillow
you lay your head or when you drift into dreams
sand, as moist as summer rain
it can be as warm as a fire
on a rainy day
or as cold as the brain freeze
I get when I eat mint chip ice cream too fast
sand , that crunch
mixed in with tuna salad at lunch time
sand, the grains between toes
that decide to follow you home

Grade 6, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Orange Stuff

Orange is the sun
of the fruit bowl
and the sun
is the orange
of the solar system
its waves
of vitamin D
boiling hot
cheddar cheese pizza
from the orange sun smoke
starting a fire
on the floor
a flaming orange fire
burning everywhere
orange restarts itself

Grade 6, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher



Gray is neutral, not black
not white, pink or green
gray is a nothing I welcome
not a pain, nor a happiness
gray is a space
in the middle
no past, no future
no forever
gray is an acceleration on autopilot
not knowing or caring
not loving nor fearing at all
gray, a numb tingling from a broken heart
a shattered promise
gray is like a moment in eternity that lasts forever
gray is a delicious not knowing
like a glass wall, seeing, feeling, hearing
a no realization connection
gray is like a scrumptious cupcake with no flavor
like silk with no softness
like music with no sound
like a colorful painting with no color
and every ending ends
with a little bit of gray

Grade 8, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Books If You Dare

Books, the fun scary beautiful stories
they suck you in
and never let you out
books, slow, aggravating, inattentive
aggravating, like the constant nagging from anybody or anything
inattentive, like the dull attitude of the person who never listens
never listens to the things I say
books, indecisive, suspenseful, imaginative
books, all these things
but not only the stories authors write
but the amazing things that navigate your life
offering new ideas
having adventures in your mind
some books are moldy and lost
lost on a musty old bookshelf
far off and away
but every so often
books are picked up, and slowly, ever so so slowly
they open up
swiftly the crack, a cloud of dust swooshing up
into the face of anyone who dares to dive into
those lonely, lonely,

Grade 7, Pacific Community Charter School
Jef Schultz, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

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