Point Arena Elementary School

My Idea of Green

The color GREEN
The needles on the tall redwoods
Remind me of GREEN
The grass in the springtime
Gives me the idea of GREEN
The yummy, gooey, ind ice cream
Now I’m eating the GREEN
The wise Yoda says
“May GREEN be with you”
The dirty fish tank is GREEN

St. Paddy’s Day GREEN
Leprechaun GREEN
GREEN is like a chalkboard
Sitting on the wall
It is like leaves
On the bright GREEN forest trees
And a highlighter
The color GREEN
My idea of GREEN

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Mis Zapatos

Estoy bailando en mis zapatos
My shoes make me dance
My shoes make me sing
My shoes allow me to walk on rocks
When I dance, they turn – shoes
When I sing they tap – shoes
When I walk on rocks
My shoes wrinkle up like the knots on wood

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


The Sport of Winners

There is nothing in the world like football
Football is my love
Football is the Earthy flying in orbit
In the navy blue night sky
Eli Manny throwing the Earth
A football
Swirling through small suns
Past Jupiter
Juking asteroids, running past mars
Rocking aliens
At the end of my arm – football
At the end zone – football
At the touchdown – football
Cleats digging in the ground for the football
Helmets whacking or the football
Stadiums roaring for the football
Quarterbacks throwing the football
football   football   football

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Dirt Bikes

There is nothing in the world like dirt bikes
Dirt bikes flying across the dirty earth
Dirt bikes spraying mud
Dirt bikes leaving trails of dust
Gas fills the air
Exciting us all
Kawasaki dirt bikes
Yamaha dirt bikes
KTM and Suzuki
Two wheels, a motor, and lots of courage
Dirt bikes
Dirt bikes
Flips, wheelies, races
Dirt bikes, dirt bikes, dirt bikes
Dirt bikes plus trails
Equals a winning celebration
Dirt bikes

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


The Dramatic Woods

There’s nothing in the world like the woods
My silent place for hanging out
Laying on my back
Looking at the sparkling stars
The woods are my home
My wild home
The woods full of short-tailed mountain lions
The woods full of slithering snakes
the woods full of big-horned deer
Wild dogs and bob cats
Roaming int eh flower bushes
The woods are my home
The woods

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


Raging Raccoons!!!!

Raccoons, the sharp-fanged compost crunchers of the animal kingdom
Raccoons, glowing eyes in the light of a full moon
Raccoons, curly, fluffy, black and white tail
Shine a flashlight in one’s eyes and they glow
like fireflies in the dark
A raccoon is like a robber who steals your valuables
Except it is garbage
Raccoons play with their food like toddlers
Raccoons wild clawing night creepers
Raccoons the garbage crawlers of the neighborhoods
Raccoons the arch enemies of neatness
Raccoons, Raccoons, Raccoons
Raccoon, the trash tippers of the universe
Eat dig dive Raccoons

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher


The Pizza Food

I’m like pizza
I have pepperoni on my face
Cheese melting on my feet
I’m a New York bread pizza, Chicago side of satisfaction
Pizza invented in Italy and traveling into my mouth
7up and pizza
The pancake that tastes tastes so good
Pizza, pizza
Pizza like a red and white
Making my stomach churn

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher



I dream about shiny diamonds
Diamonds like little sparkling rocks
Fall roughly, cracking on the gravel
Blue diamonds like the sky
Purple diamonds like juicy grapes
I love diamonds
Diamonds shiny as rough gold
Diamonds fall like heavy boulders off a cliff
all I can think of are diamonds
Diamonds diamonds diamionds

Grade 4, Arena Union Elementary
Susan Spurlock, Classroom Teacher
Blake More, Poet Teacher

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