MPitS   Leggett Valley High School

My hands

they betray my emotions

even when my face will not

They clench in anger

They roam in boredom

They fly up in outrage

They lie limp with sadness

My hands comfort me

when none other will

They wipe away my errant tears

and cover my face

when I need to hide from the world

My hands protect me

when another would cause me harm

My hands help me pull myself together when composure is needed

My hands help me bring comfort to a friend who needs someone near

My hand is the one that reaches to grasp yours in the cold

Bridget Y
10 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher



My true country is that very first beat of music

It is the sound of my shoe hitting the floor

It is the silent eight count in our heads

The hours spent practicing, all leading up to this moment

The cue you must take

The step you must make

The lights flashing in your eyes

The music pounding in your ears

The person behind you depending on your lead

The audience waiting

Eager to see the choreography

Don't do it for them

Do it for yourself

So I take that step

For that is my true country

Hannah B 
9th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher




I am a seed flowing uncontrolled in the wind

I am a willow reaching down and crying

I am a branch bent bracing myself to protect me from the world

I am a curtain hiding something secret unknowingly

I am a blossom opening for light

I am a fence, my gate closed to protect my contents

I am a floor tile, scarred from being stepped on

I am a table with too much placed on me, weighted down

I am a whitethorn scratching at the more delicate

I am a rose, pretty and predictable

I am the moon waiting for the night

Shelby K
9 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher




I am a willow, sad but beautiful blowing in the wind

I am an unsure flower deciding whether or not to bloom

I am Death, watching over the sick

I am a mighty disease spreading through the old

I am a grand fire tearing life to shreds

I am a lonely puppy howling at the moon

I am a mighty goddess, giving life and taking death

I am a weeper, weeping through the night for a lost and beaten child

I am a newly built building, shiney and new and ready for more years

I am a justborn child, crying for attention

I am a breath, being thrown into the cold air

I am me, sleeping through another night

9 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher




I am the distortion of your sight when night falls

I am the needle and I am the thread

I am the keeper of all secrets

I am the tear in the sheet of normality thrown over everyone's eyes

I am different but I am alike

Courtney R
9 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher




I am what you say

I am what you think, see, and hear

I am how you want me to be

I am stopping on the cliff

I am jumping while you scream for me to stop

I am confident that I'll land softly, while you pray for me to crash

I am the knife in my back, stabbed by your words

I am turning away from you and smiling in the mirror

I am crying in the water and my tears are unreal

I am killing my pain with their laughter and love

I am happy with who I am turning into, and away from

I am the wispher in the wing that you won't listen to

I am closing my eyes to your hate, and opening them to a new fate

I am just wondering, were you laughing when you broke my heart while they ran to fix it

How can I be what I am, when I am what you say

9 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher




My true country is the code I run on.

My true country is the button you press.

My true feelings are unheard.

My true life is unknown.

When I learn one thing it is erased.

When you tell me secrets, my history is gone.

I rely on other people, for I cannot think for myself.

When I know too much I crash.

My thoughts are not my own.

I think when you tell me to think.

I will hold everything for you, but I may lose it.

I know what you tell me to know, nothing more.

My life is ones and zeroes, my life is ons and offs.

My true country is my computer, of which I know so much.

Daniel C
9 th Grade, Leggett Valley High School
Dan Roberts, Poet Teacher

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